Mentoring für die Personalentwicklung in Unternehmen
Jedes Unternehmen hat eine Vision, eine Mission und strategische Ziele. Durch meine langjährige Erfahrung als Führungskraft in der Maschinenbau- und Automobilindustrie kann ich in meinem Mentoring die Strategien des Unternehmens bei der Entwicklung der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter vermitteln und umsetzen.
Lesen Sie das Praxisbeispiel: Vom Manager zum Leader
Go Nasta-Angebot für Unternehmen
- Mitarbeiter/innen entsprechend der Firmenstrategie entwickeln
- Konflikte lösen
- Entrepreneur-denken vermitteln
- Führungskräfteentwicklung: vom Manager zum Leader
- Führungskräfte im Dienstleistungssektor
- Strategische Personalentwicklung
- Business Development: Trends erkennen und neue Nischen finden
Sylke Remmel-Heintzsch, Manager, PPM Continent
at Ford Motor Company, Köln
Goldita is an outstanding mentor, and has an unmatched competency in identifying talented people, positioning them where they were able to further their development through challenging opportunities she ensures they meet. The teams she has led were always brimming with energy, good spirited and enthusiastic; her team members thrived on the tasks they were given, and more than a few of them grew into competent leaders. None of that would have been possible without Goldita’s enthusiasm, support, leadership, mentoring and spirit. Since 2007, Goldita brings her vast experience in mentoring and coaching people into the Community Involvement Project I am managing free of charge. In that project, the team members are putting our skills together to train underprivileged pupils (around 16 years of age) just prior to graduating from schools in socially disadvantaged areas of the city, in writing job applications and performing in interviews. Being the supportive person she is Goldita brings her vast experience to this project imperturbably, though at times it is very challenging. She is an extremely important part of our team. Working with Goldita was always a pleasure, team and goal oriented as she is.